Big Kahuna Wings - Knoxville TN

The second stop on an unforgettable road trip with my long time friend @BigRayinBA was the beginning of a Buffalo Wing Bonanza!

More about the humble beginnings of wings later (hint: we made it to Buffalo, NY), because this stop was a winner!

Big Kahuna Wings was a top rated wing place in the Knoxville area and an easy hop off the highway. BKW offers a variety of sauces, but you get the wings fried and dusted with in-house seasoning.  From there, you dip wings into the sauces. My two sauces were Spicy Garlic and Smoking Chipotle. I liked the spicy garlic more, but both were tasty. Honestly,  the wings were pretty tasty without dipping sauce.

Big Kahuna Wings
7804 Montvue Center Way
Knoxville, TN 37919

Best friend + Buffalo wings = Perfect combo! Stay tuned for more road trip shenanigans....

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