Influences on Motivation in the Hospitality Industry
Rhodus, Graduate Student
J. Bradley, Ph.D., Associate Professor
of Recreation and Park Administration
Kentucky University
Influences on Motivation in the Hospitality Industry
demographics such as age and gender influence the employees motivation? Understanding hotel workers motivation is
becoming a more important issue (Hekman and Lashley, 2017). It is hard for an employee to give proper
care when they are not motivated.
Therefore, leadership positions need to make sure their employees are
satisfied and motivated.
A study by Kovach (2002)
showed that employees ranked, “a feeling of being in on thing,” “interesting work.” and “appreciation of a job well done” as the top three most
motivational factors, while “good wages” were ranked as number five out of the
ten factors given (Hekman and Lashley, 2017).
However, in another study done by Carter, his results revealed the top
three most motivational factors are, “being
recognized,” “personal growth,”
and “being in on things” (Hekman and Lashely, 2017). Neither of these studies showed age nor
gender being different in the influence of motivation. Managers seem to feel having good morale is essential to having employees that
are motivated. Having good confidence is true in any workforce area, but
especially in the workforce that deals with the public daily. Motivation is crucial on affecting an
employee’s performance and productivity.
Making sure employees morale is high, and
the employees are motivated is an important task that cannot be taken lightly.
Due to the numbers of different age
groups increasing in the workforce it is more important now than ever before.
Simons and Enz conducted
a new study in 2007, and they
analyzed both old and young hospitality workers. They asked the workers to list their top two
motivational factors and both the old and young groups listed wages as the most
important. However, the older workers
also placed, “job security” and “favorable working conditions” as important motivational factors. While but, the younger workers want to have
more opportunities to develop themselves and that the work be interesting. Therefore, it is essential for the managers to be person specific when selecting
motivational aspects for their employees.
They need to take into consideration, all demographics when considering
what values would be motivational for their employees. The motivational factors are different for
the younger generation than the older generation, so it is essential to know these differences. The older
group valued retirement insurance more important
while; the younger group was more
interested in parental leave more important
(Hekman and Lashley, 2017). Motivational
factors can differ per age group; therefore, why it is essential to understand and to
handle motivation per employee individually.
There have been other
studies that suggest there is no relationship in age and motivational factors. Though the more research conducted on the
motivational influence on age, gender, and department shows that it is a factor
in motivational than not. Another study
suggests there is a difference in motivational factors between men and
women. Stating that woman is more
interested in money and fun over men which value interesting work and appreciation for a job well done. Also, another factor influencing motivation
is the department the employee works in,
different departments can play into the motivational factors. For example, the workers in the front office
values wages and opportunities and placed appreciation over job security. As opposed to food and beverage servers whose
motivational factors were good wages and job security (Hekman and Lashley,
Regardless of what the
factors are in the values that motivate people,
it is apparent that age, gender, and the department they work in all play a
part in what motivates them. According to the different studies I collected,
the majority show age, gender, and department
influencing motivation. Knowing
this information is accurate, managers need to work individually with their
employees to obtain the right motivation for them. Motivation is vital
to the company because it can affect the way the employees interact with the
customers. Marriott got it right when
they said; it takes happy workers to make
happy customers. Knowing that motivation for the employees is
key in keeping turnover down. As well
as, knowing how to keep them motivated is essential and when the employees are
motivated the customers are happy and more likely to return in the future.
A., & Lashley, C. (2018). Workers in the luxury hospitality industry and
motivation – the influence of gender, age and departments. Research in Hospitality Management, (2).
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